Christ Church Bells Corners (CCBC) is caring for the needs of our pastoral community.

Pastoral Care

Caring for the pastoral needs of our parish community is critical. Our clergy and Pastoral Care Team minister to people in crisis as well as those with searching questions, through sacramental rites, spiritual direction, palliative care, friendship, and prayer. Special attention is also given to the frail and isolated; a ministry that includes frequent visits, Sunday morning drives, and a tape ministry.

The Pastoral Care Team receives ongoing training and operates under the supervision and guidance of our clergy. As needs are discerned and with the consent of the person receiving care from team members, clergy enable and monitor pastoral care assignments.  Several members of our team have received training in palliative care and are available to offer this spiritual ministry.

The work of the Pastoral Care Team is, of necessity, confidential and carried out quietly, respecting the privacy and dignity of those served.

Should you know of a need in the parish that could be addressed or supported by pastoral care, please contact


Christ Church Bells Corners
3861 Old Richmond Road
Nepean, Ontario K2H 5C1

Phone: 613-829-1826
Fax: 613-829-9287

Office email: