Join us:
Nursery - birth to age 3
Church School - age 3 to 13
Youth Group - grades 6 to 12
Junior Choir - grades 1 to 12

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We welcome all children, birth to age three, and their parents to our nursery. We have created a warm, safe, and comfortable environment for the youngest members of our parish adjacent to our Church school rooms. While we no longer staff our nursery weekly, we invite all parents of infants and toddlers to use the space, as needed, during Sunday services.

Christ Church Bells Corners welcomes children, ages 3 to 13, to our weekly Sunday church school program. This in-person program is team-taught by well-trained teachers commissioned for this vital ministry. All children gather together at 10:00 am to hear a Bible lesson interpreted by our weekly storyteller. After listening to the story and sharing their thoughts and questions, the children are then invited to respond through visual arts, music, games, and movement.

By offering a variety of avenues through which the children can express their understanding of Scripture, we hope to ignite their imagination, enhance their learning, and encourage them to engage all of their senses as they grow in their faith. Our weekly program is enriched by seasonal group activities, pageants, and special activity days to celebrate our Christian festivals.

We ask parents, grandparents, and guardians of church school-aged children to complete the following registration form, which provides us with contact, demographic, and consent information to tailor our programming to the specific needs of each child. Thank you!

CCBC Church School Registration Form 2024-2025 (fillable PDF)

**Please send your completed form to or print it and bring it along on any Sunday morning.

2024 Sunday School Welcome

Church School Important Dates 2024-2025

Junior Youth for Grades 4-6

When: 1st Sunday of the Month from 11:30am to 1pm.  Lunch will be provided.

Junior Youth Group Registration Fillable form to DOWNLOAD

Focus: Children in grades 4 to 6 come together on designated Sundays throughout the year for fun and fellowship! The group enjoys a hot lunch and participates in games, treasure hunts, singing, and other activities designed to give them a chance to deepen their friendships with each other and feel at home in their church.

Leadership support:
One parent volunteer is required at each monthly meeting to assist the designated leaders and parishioner-chef in running a safe and happy event.

Please email for more information.

Senior Youth for Grades 7 -12

When: The Senior Youth Group meets on Friday's once per month from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. 

Focus: Youth in grades 7 to 12 gather on designated Fridays to enjoy fellowship, friendship and food.

Programming is designed by Archdeacon Monique with input from the youth as the season unfolds.

CCBC youth are encouraged to bring a friend to each event.

Fall Dates include:
September 27th
October 18th
November 22nd
December 20th

Leadership support:
We are always looking for support for snacks and a second volunteer at each Friday evening.

The Junior Choir is a group of dedicated volunteers who love to sing, share their musical talents, and minister through song to our Church family. They usually sing once a month and on special Sundays and occasions (e.g. Christmas Eve). As well, they often join the Senior Choir in singing anthems, which they really enjoy.

The Junior Choir meets on Thursday evenings from 6:30–7:30 pm in the main hall of the Church. If you are in Grades 1–12, and love to sing, please consider joining us. It is a very big commitment, but we're certain you will enjoy the fellowship and fun. New members are always welcome.



Christ Church Bells Corners
3861 Old Richmond Road
Nepean, Ontario K2H 5C1

Phone: 613-829-1826
Fax: 613-829-9287

Office email: