Healthy Living & End of Life Resources

Christ Church Bells Corners works in various ways to help community members access resources to positively impact their quality of life and support them, and their loved ones, in the challenging days of illness, end-of-life, and grief.


The Christ Church Bells Corners Resource Directory is an initiative from our partnership with the HELP Ottawa project (Healthy End of Life Project Ottawa).

HELP Ottawa aims to support people living with frailty, chronic and advanced illness to live and die at home or in the community, and to ensure that all people who are living with grief, loss, or caregiving have the support they need. HELP Ottawa emphasizes the essential role of all carers with people who are ill, dying or bereaved, and the cross-cutting need for respect, support, safety, and belonging.


HELP Ottawa focuses on building and strengthening linkages and partnerships between individuals and their networks, with community-based health, social service, and spiritual care providers, services and supports. Collectively, we aim to ensure that illness, dying, and grief are everyone’s business and a normal part of life.

Christ Church Bells Corners has created a Resource Guide for all in our community who are navigating grief, loss, and the challenges and joys of caregiving. Our goal with this Resource Guide has been to provide current contact information and links to organizations, helplines, services, medical and mental health resources and programs that could be of service. We have focused on the west end of Ottawa but there are certainly city-wide, provincial, and national sources as well.


Please find a free PDF copy of this directory below. Anyone is welcome to share this resource with their family, community, and/or organization. You are free to use this resource as a template to create one that fits the context of your community and/or organization. As this is a living document, that will be updated as often as possible, please note that we have done our best to keep it up to date and realize that some errors may occur in listings and contact info.



Christ Church Bells Corners
3861 Old Richmond Road
Nepean, Ontario K2H 5C1

Phone: 613-829-1826
Fax: 613-829-9287

Office email:


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