What is Advent and why do we celebrate?
Advent is the four week season leading up to Christmas. The word “advent” comes from the Latin word “to arrive”. It is the season of the church year when we prayerfully and joyfully await the arrival of Jesus into the world.
Advent is often referred to as the “new year” of the church calendar. The seasonal colour is blue to symbolize hope and the coming of a king. Advent begins on December 1st and ends on Christmas Eve.
We hope that you can spend some time in the coming weeks to reflect during this time of preparation and keep your focus on the true meaning of the season ~ God breaking in to the world through the infant child Jesus.
For information on our various Advent Activities and Collections (toys, clothing, gifts) please see our Advent E-News.
Advent Services
Advent One ~ December 1st
8am in the Chapel and 10am in Foundation Hall
Advent Parish Potluck and Family Fun Day follows the 10am Service
Advent Two – December 8th
8am in the Chapel and 10am in Foundation Hall
St. Nicholas Day ~ Please bring an unwrapped toy to the church service. It is rumoured that St. Nicholas may stop by to pick them up!
Advent Three – December 15th
8am in the Chapel and 10am in Foundation Hall
A Nativity Pageant will be presented during the 10am service. All young parishioners are welcome to participate ~ No preparation necessary!
Advent Four – December 22nd
8am in the Chapel and 10am in Foundation Hall
Advent Education Series: Our Mission of Giving
Three Evenings of Worship, Prayer and Conversation around mission and our parish’s efforts to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure with those around us.
Tuesdays, 7pm – 8:30pm in Foundation Hall
Week One: December 3rd: What is Mission today? What is the mission of CCBC?
Week Two: December 10th: Discerning and reflecting on how to live out our mission?
Week Three: December 17th Determining our Mission Gift Giving & Focus for 2025
These evenings will be rooted in prayer and worship and will include conversation and decision making on our mission priorities for 2025. Please consider attending and participating in this important time of prayer and discernment that will enable us all to spend some time during the Advent season on our active role in supporting others.
For more information please contact Rev. Monique at
Christmas service schedule
December 22nd at 7pm ~ Quiet Christmas Service in the Chapel.
December 24th at 4:30pm ~ Family Christmas Eve Service with Junior Choir & Children’s Story.
December 24th at 9pm ~ Traditional Christmas Eve Service with Senior Choir.
December 29th at 10am ~ One Joint Service in the Chapel.
Christ Church Bells Corners
3861 Old Richmond Road
Nepean, Ontario K2H 5C1
Phone: 613-829-1826
Fax: 613-829-9287
Office email: