Server & Reader Try-It Session
February 2, 2025
Sunday, February 2nd 11:30am to 1:30pm.
Sandwich Bar Lunch will be provided
Children and youth (even adults) in grade 4 and up are invited to a “try-it” session for serving and reading during the 10am Service. Younger aged confident readers are also welcome to come.
This try-it session will replace our regular junior youth programming for February.
There will be an opportunity to: try-on and wear server robes, learn how to light & extinguish candles, carry the processional cross, practice reading from the lectern, and help prepare the altar for the Eucharist. (**not all server roles will be filled at this time)
After the session, participants will be offered the opportunity to join the next worship assistant’s schedule in March, or in the future, or not at all.
This is a no pressure opportunity.
Please RSVP to if possible to let me know so we can plan for lunch - but we know that plans can change at the last minute, and drop-in are always welcome.
Christ Church Bells Corners Foundation Hall